Concrete is the most practical flooring for businesses operating out of warehouses, showrooms, car dealerships, grocery stores, industrial spaces and storage facilities in Lakewood, Colorado. When there is a need for businesses to add new flooring, repair or even change the look of existing flooring, more owners look to the concrete specialists from Colorado Concrete Repair for top results every time.

Concrete Installation - A Solid Choice in Lakewood, CO
The following list offers a few of the benefits that accrue to Lakewood, Colorado businesses that use concrete flooring in their facilities.
- Durability - it doesn't take a scientist to figure out that concrete flooring will outlast wood, linoleum, tile, vinyl, bamboo, or any other flooring material; it is no exaggeration to state that concrete flooring can last more than 100 years, with a minimum of care and attention
- Low maintenance - in addition to lasting for generations, concrete flooring requires minimal maintenance; a weekly swabbing with a mop and soapy water and a quick daily sweep is usually all that is required for concrete flooring
- Weather-resistant - even indoor hardwood floors subjected to harsh sunlight every day will show its effects through fading and bleaching, while outside flooring can warp, buckle, or split from wet and dry weather; concrete stands up to any weather condition like a heavyweight champ
- Sustainable - while it's the new buzzword these days, sustainability applies for existing concrete flooring; there are better and less expensive options (think restoration or repair) than ripping out old, stained, or cracked concrete flooring
- Versatile - our concrete specialists perform wonders with both new and existing concrete flooring; smooth, glossy, polished, stained, and other effects are now making concrete flooring one of the hottest trends in businesses, including high-end retail outlets
- Economical - compared to other flooring materials, such as bamboo, hardwood, and tile, the cost per square foot for laying, repairing, or refinishing is significantly lower; factor in the 100+ year longevity of concrete flooring and the final cost is ridiculously inexpensive
Concrete Installation Options at Colorado Concrete Repair
As mentioned in the list of benefits, concrete flooring is now extremely versatile. This gives business owners more options from which to choose when working with an existing concrete floor or considering laying down new concrete flooring. When you meet with your concrete specialist from Colorado Concrete Repair, you can get the lowdown on all the concrete flooring services we provide.
Stained Concrete Installation
There is nothing quite as eye-catching as stained concrete flooring. Owners have choices ranging from solid to blended coloring, and can opt for matte or glossy finishes, or anything between. Your concrete specialist can point out which stain will work best for your situation.
Acid-based staining chemically interacts with the concrete, transforming a plain surface into a multicolored abstract canvas. It also highlights unique swirls, strokes, and lines that are camouflaged in plain cement surfaces and each application produces unique results, for a truly personal effect.
Metallic (epoxy) staining employs a topical coating that bonds to the surface of your concrete flooring. If a concrete slab shows some glaring imperfections, this application is perfect for covering them up and providing a smooth consistent look on the surface.
Finally, your concrete specialist may recommend dying cement flooring; it sits on top and evenly penetrates the cement surface, creating a very consistent shade.
Polished Concrete Flooring
Another popular route for many businesses is polished concrete flooring. If the idea of easy and inexpensive maintenance coupled with increased surface strength is appealing, then you want polished concrete flooring.
To get a professional, lasting result, polished concrete flooring goes through several stages. First, differing grit sizes of metal, ceramic, and diamond are applied; the grit size selection is intended to minimize scratching. After several polishes with different grit combinations and grades of fineness, the floor is densified and/or dyed.
Another round of polishing is applied, using finer ceramic and diamond grit than in the initial grinding stage. The finest grit size produces a high gloss finish that is as bright as you can want while still easily maintaining it.
Finally, a polish guard is applied and burnishing when necessary. Burnishing creates an even deeper shine, making maintenance smooth and swift.
Concrete Grinding
For an existing concrete installation that needs to be prepped for a coating of another material, concrete grinding is the first, and most important, step. Regardless of the condition of your existing concrete flooring, concrete grinding will remove current coatings and adhesives and can even eliminate contaminants like grease and oil spots; this process also opens the concrete's pores, facilitating stronger bonding of the new surface material.
There are two approaches to surface preparation that we employ. For thinner systems, we apply concrete grinding with diamonds to sand off the top layer of the concrete surface. For industrial and thicker systems, we use shot blasting which utilizes a machine to shoot scads of small metal balls, thus uniformly removing the top surface. In either instance, we carefully and thoroughly collect all residual dust from the operation which is then transferred into a containment system.
Concrete Sealing
Exterior concrete surfaces, while hardy, can show the effects of water and weather exposure, especially in Lakewood, Colorado which enjoys the sun, rain, and snow year-round. In fact, the Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association (CRMCA) recommends that all exterior cement surfaces be sealed for maximal weather protection and shielding.
Concrete Resurfacing
Older concrete surfaces may experience minor damage (chips, scrapes, etc.) and discoloring. Concrete resurfacing is an excellent and affordable choice to bring those old concrete surfaces back to new. Even better, since resurfacing retains the solid existing structure as its base, the task is completed quicker than most other methods of refinishing concrete flooring.
Your concrete specialist can either restore the original look, bringing back a brand-new luster, or can show you other finishing options for those interested in an entirely new effect. Whatever you desire, your concrete specialist will deliver the goods to your satisfaction.
Concrete Repair
When your concrete surface shows clear damage, such as crumbling, large spidery cracks, spalling (fragmenting pieces), or deep pits, let us evaluate your situation. More often than not, your concrete specialist will recommend repairing over replacement. After all, concrete is solid and sturdy and when much of it can be salvaged, concrete repair is the solution to pursue.
Keep in mind that damaged concrete can also pose certain risks and hazards that can harm employees or customers or damage valuable equipment and machinery. We can eliminate this possible exposure to liability through our repair services.
More with Concrete Installation
Although our Lakewood, Colorado team is composed of concrete specialists, we bring more to your table than our experience and knowledge. As top-tier contractors, our goal is to provide complete transparency, reliability, and professionalism. Unlike shady and inferior competitors, when we make our word, we keep it. We guarantee all our work; such a guarantee is easy to give because we always deliver top results on every job. We are also sensitive to the needs of your business and pride ourselves on minimizing interruptions and downtime.
If you have existing concrete flooring in Lakewood, Colorado you would like to modernize, repair, or protect or want to take advantage of all the benefits that new concrete flooring will give you, contact us today.

Schedule Your Free Consultation
If you’re ready to see how your floors can improve day-to-day processes for your company, contact us or give us a call today. Colorado Concrete Repair is here to provide, efficient, dependable concrete coating services for our neighbors in Denver, Englewood, Littleton, Commerce City, and Lakewood, Colorado. We stand by what you stand on!

Does your floor meet the new safety standards? Eliminate potential hazards and create a safe working space.

Service Area
We’re concrete flooring contractors providing efficient, dependable services for our neighbors in Denver, Englewood, Littleton, Commerce City, Lakewood, and the surrounding areas. Whether you need concrete repair, epoxy coatings, or commercial and industrial flooring options, you can count on Colorado Concrete Repair to provide high-quality results.
We Do Work for Some Great People
We’re dedicated to working with integrity, and that’s how we’ve created relationships with some amazing businesses throughout the area. We’ve been honored to partner with great people who value hard work and quality as much us.