Epoxy Floor Problems

Signs of Epoxy Floor Problems

Epoxy is a great option for properties because of its durability and resilience. When installed correctly, epoxy floors can easily last for decades as an attractive and easy to maintain floor. But when mistakes are made during installation, epoxy floor problems can exist, leaving you with a floor that is no longer suitable for your business. These are some of the ways in which epoxy often fails due to mistakes made during the installation process. Epoxy Floor Problems from Installation After your epoxy installation, you expect to have a beautiful floor that is ready to go, so it can be alarming if you begin to notice issues with the floor. Based on what you are seeing, there are a number of issues that could have caused epoxy floor problems: Small Bubbles – While epoxy is non porous, the concrete beneath it is not. These small bubbles are a result of air in the concrete base seeping out into the epoxy. This step can be avoided by sealing the concrete appropriately before applying the epoxy. Blisters or Craters – These are […]

High Traffic Floor Finish

Best Commercial Flooring Options for High Traffic Areas

At a busy commercial property, you might have hundreds or even thousands of feet walking across an area on any given day. Naturally, this puts a lot of stress on your floor and will start to cause both visible and physical wear over time. Certain flooring materials are better at withstanding the heavy wear and tear, degrading more slowly. These durable flooring options are some of the best to consider for a high traffic floor finish or even your entire property as they offer attractive and cost effective solutions as well. High Traffic Floor Finish for Properties in Denver Foot traffic and vehicle traffic can cause wear to your floors in a number of different ways. The weight is somewhat of a stressor, as are scratches and scuffs. Shoes can also track in dirt and grind it into a floor’s surface, which will eventually corrode it. While it is impossible to avoid these effects with any floor, there are a variety high traffic floor finishes that are more resilient to heavy foot traffic: Sealed Concrete – Concrete is already an […]

Repairing Cracks In Concrete

How to Identify Damage in a Commercial Concrete Floor in Colorado

Concrete works extremely well for commercial and industrial properties because it is so strong and resistant to damage. But concrete is not entirely indestructible and there are a number of ways a concrete floor can sustain damage, whether through poor quality workmanship during installation, ongoing wear and tear, or environmental factors specific to Colorado. Commercial concrete floors can begin to exhibit different types of damage due to a variety of problems. The sooner that you can identify signs of damage in your commercial facility, the easier repairing cracks in concrete is likely to be. Types of Damage You Can See on Concrete Floors While there are many different things that can cause damage to concrete floors, most damage presents in one of a few different ways. If you identify in any of these signs, regardless of what stage they are in, it is a good reason to check with a professional to better understand what is causing the damage and what repair steps need to be taken in repairing cracks in concrete to protect the appearance and lifespan of your […]

Concrete Floor Cleaning

How to Maintain Concrete Floors at Commercial Properties

Concrete floors have a reputation for being one of the most low maintenance flooring solutions for commercial properties on the market. They need very little routine maintenance and are resistant to damage that could require extra work, saving you both time and money. In fact ,these factors make concrete floors the least expensive to maintain by square foot of all the commercial flooring options. As long as your facility can complete these maintenance steps on a regular schedule, you can ensure a durable and long lasting concrete floor. Maintenance and Concrete Floor Cleaning for Commercial Concrete Floors Much of the maintenance that your commercial flooring needs will depend on the type of concrete floor that you have, your environment, and the type of wear and tear a floor receives. Polished concrete will have different requirements from stained concrete. Properties with open bays will likely have a lot of dust build up and experience more wear, as will those with more foot traffic. Production facilities or garages with more frequent spills may require concrete floor cleaning more often and thoroughly. These […]

Concrete Weight Limit

Understanding Load Bearing Capacities for Commercial Concrete Flooring

Concrete flooring is a good choice for commercial and industrial properties because of its durability and resilience. With natural strength, even a standard concrete with minimal thickness has impressive load bearing capabilities. 3000 psi is the standard of compressive strength on a concrete slab. But this is only a base capability of concrete. With adjustments to the initial concrete mixture and the installation process, and by utilizing an experienced commercial flooring contractor, it is possible to increase the concrete weight limit significantly so that it can stand up to more demanding commercial applications, such as the weight of heavy machinery or industrial equipment. At Colorado Concrete Repair, determining the concrete weight limit and how to achieve them with a concrete installation is part of our reverse engineering process. There are many customization options available with concrete and other commercial flooring. By first determining the specifications that your floor needs to meet for both your industry and the way you regularly use it, our team can use our knowledge of concrete flooring installation to plan and install a floor that will […]

Fitness Floor

How Epoxy Flooring Can Increase Customer Satisfaction at Your Gym

A significant number of people in Denver are regular gym goers, and the area has a significant number of gyms to meet their needs. Staying competitive as a gym in Denver therefore requires not only the right equipment and fitness types to meet your customers’ needs, but also the right environment where visitors to your space will enjoy exercising. A large part of this environment comes from the physical characteristics of your property, and perhaps none is so important as the flooring. Most gym spaces are expansive and the flooring on your property can be a significant visual element. In addition to contributing to comfort, an epoxy floor is an affordable and low maintenance way to get a beautiful fitness floor for your gym and create the perfect setting for your members’ hardcore workouts. Benefits of an Epoxy Fitness Floor in Denver Epoxy flooring has several significant benefits for businesses and gym owners. It is affordable to install at only a few dollars per square foot and yet lasts for many years without the need for expensive repairs or refinishing. […]